Discover The Secret to Living a Full and Fulfilling Life for The Rest of Your Life.
I’m Patricia Love and I’ll never forget the day I hit rock bottom.
I remember being curled up on the floor in my home … completely broken and wondering what to do with my life.
It was 2009 and the Global Financial Crisis was really starting to bite.
I had been a successful Realtor for many years but suddenly I found myself with no money in the bank, no income and a terrifying $140,000 in debt.
My Mom had recently passed away and my husband had left me for somebody else.
I was 57 years old, devastated, overweight and lost.
Everything I’d worked so hard for and sacrificed so much for had slipped away.
In truth, ‘slipped away’ is an understatement.
I felt as if my life had been swamped by a tsunami and everything I understood about myself, and about my life, had been carried away in a heartbeat …
What was I supposed to do now?
I’ll admit I wallowed for a while. I felt like a victim.
And I knew what it was to be a victim because in my twenties, I had twice been the victim of rape …
Once by a stranger with a gun and once by a boyfriend who beat me up and put me in the hospital.
So when everything fell apart for me in my 50’s, I felt again the wave of despair, helplessness and powerlessness that I’d felt all those years before. It all came rushing back with a power that took my breath away.
But I also remembered that feeling like a victim, and living like a victim hadn’t worked for me in my twenties and it sure as hell wasn’t going to work for me in my fifties.
I couldn’t afford to wait until things ‘got better’. At 57 I had less time in front of me than was behind me. I had to take action right then and there before my future ran out on me.
So …I picked myself up off that floor and took a long hard look in the mirror.
It was time to get real …
I Had Worked Hard To Be Successful.
To be valued, loved and appreciated. I’d given my all to improve the lives of the people around me.
But I’d been like the proverbial beautiful swan … serene and unruffled on the surface
And paddling madly and desperately underneath
The harder I tried to make everything perfect … the quicker it slipped through my fingers … until it became that tsunami that swept everything away and I was left with nothing
Being the top saleswoman in my company didn’t keep me from falling into debt
Making a ton of money didn’t keep my husband by my side
Wearing beautiful clothes didn’t make me feel beautiful
Working hard to make others happy, didn’t bring me the happiness I wanted
Being successful in business didn’t make me feel successful in life
Smiling on the outside didn’t make me smile on the inside …
It was all a sham. A mask I had put on years before and had forgotten how to take off.
A mask I couldn’t afford for anyone to see behind
But when everything was stripped away … there was only me, myself and I.
And that had to be enough. I had to be enough …
I Had To Challenge Everything I Believed About Success.
Let’s face it …
We’re living in a society that teaches that success = happiness.
It’s as if, we don’t deserve to be happy until we’re successful
In our drive for happiness, we therefore seek success.
We tell ourselves …
“If I work hard and become successful, then I will be happy.”
We work hard and sacrifice often in the drive to find the elusive success that will bring happiness, peace, contentment and love … but instead, we find competition, failure, rejection, inequality, jealousy and overwhelm.
Instead of finding happiness we find despair and disillusionment.
And so we try harder. We think …
“If I’m not happy yet … then I’m clearly not successful enough.”
It’s a vicious circle …
I Want You To Know That The Problem Isn’t YOU!
The problem is with the idea that hard work and success will deliver happiness.
That having more money will buy a happier lifestyle.
That prestige will bring you acceptance and love.
That success will make you feel good about yourself.
They’re ideas that have led people just like you to slog it out for years in the quest for success …
Only to discover the ideas are false
Being successful in only one part of your life is like a ring set with a fake gemstone. It has no life of its own, no light, and no sparkle. Sometimes if you hold it just right, you can see a glimmer of light but it fades the moment you move.
True success is as multi-faceted as the most brilliant cut diamond that is set alight by its fire within.
When your internal fire is lit, an abundance of success, happiness, love, joy, peace, freedom and confidence will flow into every area of your life.
I Know Because I’ve Done It Both Ways.
Striving for success in my career brought me money and prestige but it cost me dearly.
Putting all my energy into work left no time for my relationship with my husband.
It left no space for me to take care of my health.
My drive for the successful lifestyle I believed I wanted, put me into debt.
And in the end … I lost it all.
Not because there was anything wrong with me …
But because the choices I made from the idea that money and success would make my life complete, kept me focused on ‘the wrong things’.
I was like that ring set with a fake gemstone. I could turn myself on and shine for a moment, but I wasn’t lit from within.
I was faking it. But not any more …
Now I am that multi-faceted, brilliantly cut diamond that shines and sparkles. Every area of my life is alive with abundance, joy, happiness, love, peace and freedom.
I wake up each morning excited for the day ahead …
I love my life! Do you?
How Would It Feel To Not Only Achieve Success In Business
But To Be Successful In Life?
Imagine …
- stepping off the hamster wheel that has kept you running for so long
- releasing the worry that people will ‘see through you’
- feeling secure in the knowledge that you have no need to prove yourself to anyone (not even yourself)
- putting down the heavy burden of judgement you feel from others
- finally attracting an equal partner who loves and respects you just as you are
- dropping the exhausting seesaw of loss and gain
- breaking through the income glass ceiling that has seemed constantly out of reach
Whether you’re in debt, struggling to get unstuck, unhappy in your career, or just not happy with yourself or your situation, like I was, there is a way to ignite your inner confidence and in the words of Rihanna …
“Shine bright like a diamond”
My Tsunami Changed My Life
10 years on, I look back at that tsunami with gratitude, with appreciation and with wonder.
The fever pitch of emotion and the extreme pressure of that time created the perfect conditions to break me open and reveal the beautiful diamond within.
I’m still a successful realtor making a ton of money.
I still inspire people to be happy.
I still wear beautiful clothes.
I still smile.
But everything is different. I’m no longer that swan paddling desperately beneath the surface to stay upright.
Now I glide through life with ease.
In my darkest times, I developed a powerful 5 step process that took me from rock bottom to sky high.
I call it 5 Diamonds because it’s what I used to reshape myself from a fake gemstone into a brilliant multi-faceted diamond.
These 5 Diamonds are the road map I live by. I use them every day.
I discovered the secrets to REAL success and I share those secrets with others through my best-selling book, online programs and personalized coaching.
Now I’d like to share them with you so you can shine like the beautiful diamond you are too!

My 5 Diamond Program IS For YOU If You Want To:
Gain In Confidence
Increase Your Income With Ease
Connect With Others In A More Real Way
Attract More Love Into Your Life
Follow Your Dreams And Your Passions
Develop a Stronger Relationship With Yourself
Create Better Balance
Build Resilience
Feel More Fulfilled And Successful In Every Area Of Life

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**Digital Product only. No physical products will be shipped.
Shine Bright Like A Diamond!
When some people think about a diamond, they think about how tough it is.
But it’s not it’s strength that makes it so prized by so many.
It’s the way its shaped because it’s the shape that determines the sparkle.
It’s the same with you.
The way you’ve been shaped by life up until now may have made you tough.
It may have made you determined, persistent and committed.
Life may have taught you that being strong is necessary for success.
“I must show no fear, weakness or doubt” ~ George R. R. Martin
This quote has formed the basis of what is considered by many to be strength.
What if strength is something else altogether?
What if strength is the courage to be real?
What if strength is the courage to love?
What if strength is the courage to change direction?
What if strength is the choice to reshape yourself into a more brilliant version of you?
Being successful is so much more than rising through the ranks or earning the big bucks …
It’s living a life you love and having wonderful people to share it with.
It’s looking in the mirror and seeing yourself in all your brilliance.
It’s shining your light on others and inspiring them to shine too.
“Since downloading and working through Patricia’s 5 Diamond audio’s, I realized I am not alone, and that I have choices. Her audios have inspired me to think more positively, and feel more confident. She has a way of motivating me to move forward. Her audios are my go-to when I feel stuck.”
“Patricia keeps it simple, and understandable. I love how she doesn’t sugarcoat things. She is a great motivator, and I highly recommend her audios.”
“Patricia’s audio’s rock, they are inspiring, and motivating. Definitely worth the money.”

My 5 Diamond Digital Program Includes:
The 5 Diamond Overview
Let me introduce you to the power of the diamond within you.
You’ll learn how to harness the precious 5 Diamonds to polish up your life. Discover the secrets to your multi-faceted brilliance!

The 1st Diamond
It’s time to get real!
Shine a light into your life, increase your strength and resillience. Your life is a reflection of your light within.

The 2nd Diamond
It’s time to rub away the things that dim your shine!
The challenges of life can tarnish your sparkle. A good clean and polish will leave you shining with a new brilliance.

The 3rd Diamond
Clarity detmines the brilliance of your sparkle!
Get clear on what success means to you and the life you truly want to live. Reshaping your mind is the beginning of a multi-faceted life.

The 4th Diamond
Your value is in your hands!
A precious diamond must have a safe place to reside. Learn how to become a safe place for your treasured life.

The 5th Diamond
A Diamond Is The Strongest!
Diamonds are formed from a combination of pressure and heat. So when the pressure builds and the heat intensifies, learn how to hone your strength and sparkle to shine more brightly than ever before.

The 5 Diamond Workbook
Chart Your Progress
To make a change you must take action. Answer questions and keep track of your growth and expansion in the 5 Diamonds Workbook.

Success doesn’t equal happiness.
Money cannot buy freedom.
Prestige doesn’t bring love.
Striving will never give you peace.
Those are gifts that can only be ignited from within.
When you change your measure of success, your life changes with it.

Valued At $297
**Digital Product only. No physical products will be shipped.