5 Self-Care Tips To Boost Your Creativity

Patricia Love

The Energy Revival Coach

CPC / EFT & TFT Practitioner/Realtor®

My Story

People call me Life’s Cheerleader, because of my energy, but it wasn’t always like that.

Let me get straight to the point…I was a mess! I was going through life compartmentalizing my feelings, because I didn’t want to acknowledge that I was on a hamster wheel and didn’t know how to get off!  I just wore a fake mask and kept going round and round, so nothing ever changed in my life…Yes, I became a quote by Albert Einstein~ Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results “

I of course blamed my mom for being an alcoholic and my dad for being controlling and emotionally unavailable. I felt they were one of the reasons I could not find a healthy relationship, or that I wasn’t inspired or heard as a young adult. I was lost, and I felt like I didn’t matter. I did not want to believe I could be playing the victim.

Sound familiar? (Maybe you have felt this way over the years…)

These behaviors along with sexual assault, trauma and death that surrounded me, brought out a rebellious attitude and the makings of bad decisions into my adult years…you know the path, of sex, drugs and rock and roll.


It took me 57 years to start getting my shit together, and it took me being broke and broken, before I became the adult, and decided only I could choose how I lived, no one else was going to do it for me. And the first thing I needed to do, was stop blaming others for my negative life. I had to give my own self some “Tough Love.” Because I was tired of repeating the same thing over and over again…

Thankfully one night, (the night I broke down) I was forced to start making those changes, which led to readiness and true awareness of certain words, they became like “Diamonds”, and when I started to polish them up, everything became brighter, and the different facets began to shape my future. I made a choice to re-direct my energy, change my story, and re-design one that worked for my life!

 I chose to make “My Mess My Message!” and created “The Exclusive Diamond Method” because it works!

One positive decision leads to another, and then another, and then a thousand more. Before you know it you’ve changed your whole world, and it all started with a single positive word.

Today, I am still a work in progress, (it never ends for anyone) but I have found peace and abundance in the areas of my life that are important to me. Whether that is coaching, volunteering, writing my blog or simply going for walks on the beach.

My continued mission as a coach, is to motivate and empower women and girls to find their power within and their voice, to take control of their life and live the life they were born to live.

Your story may not be like mine, but we ALL have one, we all have emotional hurts, and everyone’s story matters…I am just here to tell you, if you are ready, really ready, then you can rewrite that story at any time, to one that you can look back on, and smile.

YOUR Choice.

Re-Energize Your Life

Empower and Persevere
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

The email is on its way!

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