Top Tips When Traveling With Your Pets
Patricia Love

Traveling with pets can be difficult, but leaving them behind is not always an option. Do you have a long trip coming up with your furry friend? Read on these tips below to understand how you can make it easier for them and yourself. If you have a pet you need these top tips when traveling with your pets.

Top Tips When Traveling With Your Pets

What’s there not to love about travel? Except, of course, the long wait at the airport, sitting in a cramped airplane with no leg space for hours, and the tasteless food that the airlines offer you!

Okay, okay. Let me just come out and say it. Sometimes, traveling can get too much for me. Don’t get me wrong here – I love to explore new places and meet new people, but the actual flying can get a bit too tiring. However, nothing compares to the nightmare that it can become when you need to travel with your cat or dog. 

How To Make Travel Easier On Your Furry Friends?

But however hard traveling with a pet may seem to you, trust me, it is much harder on your furry friend! I have had several pets all my life, and have explored my fair share of the world, so I am no stranger to the ordeal. However, I still worry endlessly before every trip, stressing how I could make it better for my four-legged child.

From all these years of moving around with my pets, I have learned a thing or two about traveling with these darlings. So, if you have been planning a vacation with your little one, I suggest that you sit back, relax, and read through all these travel tips here. Hopefully, these will help you be better prepared for the trip when the time finally comes.

Let’s begin!

Ensure that your travel plans are a hundred percent pet friendly

Okay, so you have the trip all planned. You know where you want to go, what activities you want to do, and which places you want to stay. All that’s left is to board the plane and bon voyage! But before you do that, quickly run through your itinerary one last time to make sure that it is 100% pet friendly.

Double check if your accommodation allows pets to stay over. Make sure you have alternatives planned in case you cannot take your pet to an activity. Understand that different places may have different rules concerning pets, and you would need to abide by them.

Prepare for any emergencies beforehand

As we all know, life is too unpredictable. Accidents and emergencies happen without warning. The best thing that you can do in these situations is to make sure that you have prepared for any untoward instances beforehand.

No matter where you are going, make sure you have the information on the local vets. The last thing that you want to be doing on your trip is scrambling for a legitimate veterinarian in case things get messed up. 

Anyone who meets your pet should know that it’s yours

Every year, an alarming number of pets are separated from their owners during traveling. This is one of my worst fears whenever my pet is in the cargo. To minimize the risk of this happening and help reunite the two of you if it does happen, make sure that anyone who meets your pet knows you are the owner.

Simply tagging their travel crate with your information is not enough. Consider investing in a travel collar that details your contact information as well. Put down your details in such a manner that anyone around the world can get in touch with you through them with ease.

Visit the vet to make sure everything is in check

A couple of days before you set out, it is wise to visit the vet and make sure everything is in check. Ensure that your furry child is in their best health, and it is safe for them to fly that distance. Many airlines and hotels might also ask you for your pet’s health certificate before allowing them on board, so you might as well get that made during this time too. 

And other than the hard copies of the health certificate that you may submit to them, make sure you always have a softcopy on yourself too!

Make sure your pet has a comfortable crate

Travel crates make traveling with pets a lot less challenging. However, you must make sure that you have gotten the right one. One that is not only USDA approved, but also comfortable for your furry love.

The travel crate should be big enough for your pet to stand, sit, lie down, and turn with ease. Line it with some sort of soft bedding, preferably with a high absorbent factor. Tie a bag of dried food to the crate so that any employee can easily feed your pet during a long wait. Also, remember to include water in a non-spilling tray to quench your pet’s thirst.

Make sure that you do not leave behind any necessities

This one is perhaps the most important of all the tips we just discussed. It is incredibly necessary that you double-check you have all that your pet will need before you embark on your journey together. Be it medicine, food, grooming supplies, first aid, or a favorite toy to keep your pet occupied – you must make sure that you have it all before you set out.

Wrapping It Up

The thought of spending some time away from your pet can be pretty harsh. When you are used to being woken up by cuddles and demands to be patted by your pet, it’s not easy to let it go. However, if you love your pet, you should understand their experiences during traveling as wel

Most pets hate the uncomfortable, and unfamiliar situations flying around can put them in. Hence, my advice would always be to reconsider taking your pet along on a trip before you board that plane, (Unless it is a road trip, in which case most of the tips above will apply.)

But of course, in some cases, that becomes completely unavoidable. In these situations, employ the above tips to make it all enjoyable for both of you. The best thing to remember is to treat your pet like a family member, and put yourself in their paws. Happy traveling! Another travel blog


As an active Realtor®, and in sales for 45 years in Washington State, Patricia coaches women in sales to “Refuel” by turning their “I Can’t” into “I Can.” She interrupts the negative behaviors that have sabotaged them and helps them create a new path towards positive results. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Patricia’s own story of trauma, death, and a slew of bad decisions as a young adult, forced her to flip her own inner script, or face alternative consequences. By interrupting and healing the negative behaviors that sabotaged her, she was able to find the courage, and new found energy to move forward in all areas of her life. She did this with the action of five words.

These inspiring words created her Exclusive Diamond Method”, as Patricia believes we are all a diamond in the rough, just waiting to shine! So, begin the healing, and shine bright like a diamond.

Contact Patricia to start the new life so you too, will shine!

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