How To Spread Cheer During A Pandemic Holiday?
Patricia Love

Holidays amongst a global pandemic might not feel so festive this year. The scary statistics in the news got you down? Here are seven ways you can still have fun while being safe this holiday season! Read on How To Spread Cheer During A Pandemic Holiday?

How To Spread Cheer During A Pandemic Holiday?

Ho Ho Ho! Deck the halls with boughs of holl.. Wait a second. What’s the point in putting up Christmas decorations this year? It’s not like you will be able to live out the holidays in all their zest anyway. Then why bother putting in so much effort in this?

These are some thoughts a lot of you might be thinking right now. I’m not gonna lie, I succumbed to them too. But the holidays are still the holidays, and a pandemic is no reason to stop the festivities – as long as you are taking all the right precautions, that is!

So, how can you have a super fun holiday season without endangering you or your family? Read on to know seven exciting yet super safe ways that I will be spreading cheer during this pandemic holiday!

1. Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way!

For me, there is not going to be the usual holiday and Christmas family dinners this year. With my friends and extended family stuck in other parts of the city, I won’t be having a lot of visitors during the holiday. Does that mean I won’t get the holiday decorations out of the attic? Absolutely not!

In fact, I am going to go one step further this year.

For most of us, holiday decor acts as an instant pick-me-up. And sometimes, we don’t even realize the effect this festive environment can have on us. This merry mood is exactly what we need in abundance right now.

If you feel a bit glum with everything that has been going on, use these little things to cheer yourself up. Set up your fairy lights and Christmas trees to uplift the mood around you. You will be surprised at what it can do for you!

2. Find some pandemic appropriate greeting cards

The pandemic has not been easy on anybody. People have lost their jobs, their freedom to move around without worries, and even their loved ones. Every individual on the planet has somehow been affected by this deadly disease.

Sometimes, the best way to cope with bad circumstances is to find the humor in it. If you cannot actively change the situation, you might as well go and laugh about it. A witty greeting card goes a long way in uplifting anyone’s mood.

I am talking pandemic appropriate jokes, puns, and funny cartoons! Make your holiday greeting card wear a face mask and remind your friends to be safe. Have the Santa on your card distribute sanitizers for presents this year. Or edit your family’s photos to make a custom greeting card!

3. Can’t follow old holiday traditions? Make some new ones!

Due to the limitations this pandemic has put upon us, a lot of us will not be able to follow centuries old holiday traditions. Though the situation is sad, you can still make it better!

If you cannot get together with the entire family and take a trip down your favourite food street like you do every year, don’t despair. It is time to make some brand new holiday traditions!

Whip up some homemade ice cream, organize a family game night, or put together a family video call instead. There are so many options, it’s crazy!

4. Make it a socially distanced movie night

Talking about old holiday traditions, my family would always watch a movie after having Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner. This year, them being out of state has made it impossible. So I tweaked our plans a little and made it into a socially distanced movie night!

Thanks to the Netflix party, we can still enjoy the pleasure of watching our favourite movies together. This allows us the immeasurable joy of being in each others’ company – albeit virtual – and to get the most out of this pandemic holiday.

After all, there is nothing that screams holiday cheer quite like quality time with the family!

5. Take the celebrations to the local hospital

Being locked up in your home during the holidays sucks, but it is still a million times better than being stuck in the hospital. Unfortunately, that is the reality for a lot of people this holiday season. While you are safe and sound in your home, many others have fallen victim to this terrible pandemic and are spending the holidays in a hospital ward.

Why not do something nice for them? This Christmas, why don’t we spread the holiday cheer as far and wide as we can? God knows that we could use it at this moment!

Another thought is to start a fundraiser and buy presents for the Covid patients at your local hospital. This is one of the best ways you can give back to your own community. Holidays are all about spreading joy to others, and this seems like an excellent way to do so!

6. Be sure to check in on those who are away from their families

Just like me, there are a number of people out there who won’t be seeing their family on these holidays.

Being away from my loved ones during this time is one of the hardest things that I have had to come to terms with. And so, I understand how much of a toll it can take on a person. For this reason, I request everyone to try and include everyone spending the holidays on their own in their festivities, if you can do it safely.

7. Treat yo’self!

Last but not the least, it is time to spoil yourself! You made it through an incredibly difficult year, and now that the holidays are here, you deserve some nice treats! Click here for similar blogs.

Buy yourself all the Christmas presents that you wanted this year. Make yourself a wonderful dinner and enjoy it on your own. Explore the world on your own and get in your car and take yourself out on a long drive. You deserve all of it!


As an active Realtor®, and in sales for 45 years in Washington State, Patricia coaches women in sales to “Refuel” by turning their “I Can’t” into “I Can.” She interrupts the negative behaviors that have sabotaged them and helps them create a new path towards positive results. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Patricia’s own story of trauma, death, and a slew of bad decisions as a young adult, forced her to flip her own inner script, or face alternative consequences. By interrupting and healing the negative behaviors that sabotaged her, she was able to find the courage, and new found energy to move forward in all areas of her life. She did this with the action of five words.

These inspiring words created her Exclusive Diamond Method”, as Patricia believes we are all a diamond in the rough, just waiting to shine! So, begin the healing, and shine bright like a diamond.

Contact Patricia to start the new life so you too, will shine!

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