Listen, Your Dreams Are Calling.
Patricia Love

We are born with the power of positivity, the power of curiosity, and the power of hopes and dreams,

But some how over the years, our dreams can get shut down by our parents. We compare ourselves to others, society, through the media, beats into our heads, that you are too fat, to skinny, not smart enough, or you just don’t have what it takes.

Negative self talk settles into our conscious way of thinking before we even realize it.

You wonder, by the time you’ve become an adult, why you feel beaten down, not good enough, useless, and end up doing what is expected, not following your passion, your dreams. You seem to end up being comfortable and settling into a mediocre life. Sound familiar?

I know, I felt that way, I had those hopes and dreams, but it seemed like that’s all they were …hopes and dreams…they were just too far off, they were for someone else, not me, I was just an average girl, living an average life.


Glenda the good witch said it the best from the movie “The Wizard Of Oz”

“You’ve always had the power, my dear,” you just had to learn it for yourself.”

These words came from my favorite movie, when I was a young girl. I would watch “The Wizard Of Oz” every year at Christmas time, and those words ALWAYS hovered around me. But, I never grabbed them and held on to them, until a few years ago, when I was lost, broke and broken. I felt I had nothing to hang on too. I was in my late 50’s with no money, no husband, no future, no hope, and I felt tired and alone.

The words, ”I have always had the power,” kept ringing in my ears, throughout my life, but I didn’t really listen, I thought it was just hopeful wishing. These words were always faint, but THAT one day, when everything seemed so hopeless, the words got louder and louder inside of me, and I really  began to listen, and believe in the possibilities. Those words became so loud inside, I shouted them out loud,”I have always had the power!!!”…and for the first time I really felt the energy deep down and the power from those words within. I grabbed hold of them, and held them tightly, never to let them go.

YOU too have the power within, but sometimes, it’s just a small voice, until we truly learn to listen to ourselves and believe in the words.

So believe,  believe that you “DO have the power within to change, to think positive, to be curious, to follow your dreams at any time, under any circumstances. Believe so hard in your capabilities, that you feel the energy throughout your whole body. Because those hopes, and those dreams that you so deserve, are waiting for you to make them a reality. Don’t let anything stop you, you only have one life. It is YOU that must take the first step! You can change what you believe about yourself, if you are just willing to trust in YOU.

Patricia, The RahRah Coach

Find out what is stopping you! Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call NOW with Patricia, so you can find the power within you too!

Patricia Love, the “Rah Rah” Coach, is a motivational, accountability coach and Neuro Linguistics Practitioner. She is a self-proclaimed, recovered negative self-talker who now coaches other women to “Flip their own inner script” by turning their internal dialog into a positive conversation, and breaking through that ceiling which has sabotaged not only their pocketbooks, but the life they so deserved. The negative words you are saying to yourselves are killing your future.

You can contact Patricia Love for a complimentary discovery session, where you will walk away with several nuggets of wisdom.

 She also takes “Words Matter” seriously with the extension of her coaching business through her “Healing Hoodie’s” movement…Putting inspiring words on the front and back of her hoodies that will motivate all. 10% of all her income goes towards helping our lost and homeless youth, to get inspired and motivated, despite their circumstances. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.


As an active Realtor®, and in sales for 45 years in Washington State, Patricia coaches women in sales to “Refuel” by turning their “I Can’t” into “I Can.” She interrupts the negative behaviors that have sabotaged them and helps them create a new path towards positive results. Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

Patricia’s own story of trauma, death, and a slew of bad decisions as a young adult, forced her to flip her own inner script, or face alternative consequences. By interrupting and healing the negative behaviors that sabotaged her, she was able to find the courage, and new found energy to move forward in all areas of her life. She did this with the action of five words.

These inspiring words created her Exclusive Diamond Method”, as Patricia believes we are all a diamond in the rough, just waiting to shine! So, begin the healing, and shine bright like a diamond.

Contact Patricia to start the new life so you too, will shine!

How to listen for your power within

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