Tame Anxiety and Fear

Tame Anxiety and Fear

I know you feel out of control, stressed out, and fearful of what is happening in the world. It is a crazy time. So this is when I tell you to BREATHE…yes, I know it sounds cliche, but it works, Stop, take in 3 very deep breaths, and if you have a Fitbit on,...
These Are Tough Times, Love Yourself First

These Are Tough Times, Love Yourself First

If you love YOUR family…YOU will take the time to love YOURSELF! You may think that is selfish or harsh, but when you keep yourself healthy in mind, body, and soul. You will relay that to your family and friends. Be considerate of others, if you are physically sick,...
Don’t Apologize For Speaking Up

Don’t Apologize For Speaking Up

Are you tired of being the good little girl? Being told, to speak only when spoken too. Or, people saying “you don’t know what your talking about” Well it’s time you stop apologizing every time you speak. Like, “Sorry, can I...
Words Hold A Lot Of Power

Words Hold A Lot Of Power

The Power Of Words! Words hold a lot of power. Words can heal as much as they hurt. Words can inspire as much as they can demotivate. You may have walked around saying “sticks and stones,” but as you got older you found out how much power words actually have. While...
How gratitude creates positivity

5 Keys To Happiness

Here are the 5 keys that WILL open doors to a rich, full, and abundant life.

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